ArtAndCraftSession CampGraduation HumptyDumptyGame WorkingWithChildren

We had a spring Children’s English camp on March 27-28, 2015 at our Friendship Corner in International Friendship House (IFH).

Community Children Program

We aimed to offer a beneficial program for the community and to make our presence known for the purpose of building good relationships with the community in which we plan to build an International Christian Kindergarten in the near future. We also purposed to see if and how the English education can be employed for such age group of children for our future kindergarten.
We gained the support from Single-mothers Forum, a Non-Profit Organization under the Fukuoka City Government. We also got connected with the Children’s Club in the Nanakuma Community Center near IFH. In total, 21 children (4-12 years old) participated in this 2 day camp.

The Team

5 Singaporeans flew in from Singapore, and together with a few more helpers from Fukuoka, the teaching team became a formidable team with much dedication, enthusiasm, skills and love.
God blessed us with good weather and kept the children sound and safe throughout the camp. Some parents came to observe the camp and they later conveyed to us that their children enjoyed the camp very much. We could also see positive responses from the children themselves in the camp. We had a closing party with the parents, and presented certificates of attendance to the children.

Harvest Truly Plentiful

one parent said, “my children enjoyed the camp very much.”
Another said her child cried and didn’t want to go home.

This camp opened our eyes to see the children and their families in this community. We plan to have another camp in summer on “Learning English with Music” and other performing arts. We look forward to building further our relationships and trust with the community and the children.