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We believe the harvest field is ripe in Japan and we are blessed to be amongst His chosen to be His lamp in this Land of The Risen Son. The land is being readied. God has blessed us with the resources of the faithful to come together to acquire two adjoining sites with a total land area of 1,376 sq meter, upon which will sit the Friendship House.

More Than Fireflies

This was the verse brother Eric shared as he opened the inaugural Board meeting on September 2014. Indeed we have come far in these past few months. From the small step of faith each of us took independently, blissfully unaware that God has planted the same desire in everyone, today we are a small but growing band of His children, to be the lamp upon which His Light will displace the long nights hovering over Japan.

God is always prescient. We are reminded that work done in responsive obedience to His will, will glorify Him. But the work done based on our own understanding and finite strength, even with good intentions, will be flawed.

The Road Ahead

We look forward to this promise from our Lord that the Friendship House will indeed be an abode of peace and joy for the local community, for them to rest in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We have indeed come far as our Lord leads. But the road ahead seems a pretty steep one. Where do we get the funds and expertise to transform the Friendship House? How can we be sure it will draw in the community?

“There are good things we can do,
but only God-things we should do.
Those activities not born out of the Spirit will result in
wood, hay, and stubble.
What seems good in our eyes
may be an abomination in God’s eyes.”
– Os Hillman 20 Sep 2014, “The pitfall of being entrepreneurial”

Laying Foundation

We know that God will continue to provide not just the resources, but the stirring of more of His faithful children to join us as we work together in His presence, and on His grace, to rebuild His Church in this long forsaken land.

We want to transform the Friendship House into a social enterprise, integrating with local communities to serve their needs. We are taking time to pray and plan so as to lay solid foundation for a viable business model. A longer runway in planning cycle also allows us to integrate and gain favor with the community and authorities.

Engaging Community

The building on the land may have to be partially rebuilt to accommodate the social enterprise. While deliberating on the final blueprint, we have proceeded minor external and internal renovation to kickstart our ministries.

The external facelift on the building creates for us a vibrant identity in the neighborhood. Our newly renovated Friendship Corner also gives us opportunity to engage and bless the community. We make our presence known and connect with the neighborhood through Sunday worship service, English classes, family/parenting courses and business seminars.

Be Faithful

Ambitious we are not. But faithful we will, for we serve a faithful God. God seeks not conclusions from us, but our obedience. We depend only upon Him, and Him alone. Do continue to follow the chronicles of our journey with our Great and Sovereign God.

Pray for us. And if God so leads, join us, for God will magnify His power and grace from a willing heart.